10 reasons why you should do a Boudoir shoot


I tell women ALL the time you don’t really need a specific reason to do a Boudoir shoot, but I know they still have hesitations which is totally normal.

So I want to share with you the top reasons why women contact me to finally book this special experience. It’s not just for young brides anymore and I want ALL women to experience what it’s like to go through this photo shoot experience. Big reason, small reason, or no reason at all!…

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1. Milestone Birthday

You are coming up on a milestone birthday and you want to celebrate who you are and all that you’ve done so far in your life. Let’s face it, we women are not so great at recognizing how awesome we truly are and with each passing year we just get more amazing. So why not do something for yourself that says I want to celebrate who I am in a big way? Do this for yourself and celebrate BIG!

I’d love to help you design a shoot that says “I’m amazing and I’m worth it!”

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2. Anniversary

I’ve had many women come to me looking to give their partner something unique and mind-blowing as a gift. What’s fun about doing a Boudoir session for this occasion is that it’s really two gifts in one. You get to have the gift of a beautiful, pampering photoshoot and your partner gets to receive the beautiful images to remind them of how lucky they are to have you. Did you know the one year anniversary mark is celebrated with paper? That means you will have a totally amazing gift in the form of prints or an album. Win-Win!



3. Wedding

A wedding is such a great reason to do a Boudoir shoot and it’s how I got started in Boudoir. I know most brides have a ton to plan and things can get a little hectic as the wedding day approaches. That’s why I tell Brides-to-Be that a Boudoir session is actually a form of self care which is so important leading up to the big day. Taking some much needed ME time and having a professional makeup artist expertly do your makeup and hair and staring in your own photo shoot is just what some brides need, but never admit. I actually had a client come back to me after her wedding and say doing a Boudoir session let her feel ultra-sexy while walking down the aisle. She let herself fully connect to her soon-to-be husband and felt beautiful. How cool is that?

Is your wedding coming up in the next couple of months? Let’s chat about giving him a gift he’ll never expect and some much needed ME time.


4. Divorce/breakup


The ending of a relationship can be viewed as something positive! You are ending one chapter of your life and embarking on a new and exciting one. What better way to honor who you are as an individual than connect with your inner goddess that is just waiting to be let loose! Maybe she was lost for a while and you just need a little reminder to re-connect to that feminine energy to feel alive again. This session can be all about YOUR needs and desires, not someone else’s. Give yourself some time to grieve and then do something fun to signify you are ready to move on. It can be a very healing experience if you let it. Let’s have a chat about how YOU want to show up in your new life!

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5. Long distance relationship

Instead of trying to DIY your photos with a long distance partner why not book a Boudoir session and leave it up to the pros? It can be an exciting way to keep the spark alive when there is a lot of distance and time in between seeing each other. One client finally booked a Boudoir session because she was tired of trying to take selfie’s and not loving how she looked in the photos. She just didn’t want to worry about all the technical stuff and waste her time. Put the selfie stick down and let a pro handle the posing, lighting, makeup/hair, while helping you put together eye-popping products for you to share with that someone special far away. They will be blown away I promise!

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6. See yourself in a new light/perspective

Do you work in a male dominated field and don’t get to express your femininity often or at all? Maybe you’re a police officer, work in finance, law, or engineering? These fields tend to exude more male than female energy and I know what it’s like to dim your light at work to try to fit in. Or maybe you work in an environment that requires you to wear a uniform (the medical field) and have lost your sense of self expression? If you experience one of my Boudoir sessions then you absolutely get to wear whatever you want and express your true inner self in a safe space. Or maybe you want to try on a different look and spice things up? By allowing your authentic, beautiful self to come out to play let’s you reset and give your day-to-day professional self a break. Look at it as a form of self care! Let’s design a shoot to let your personality out for an afternoon of fun and self expression…

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7. Motherhood

We all know being a mother is the hardest job in the world and women sacrifice so much, including their bodies to bring a child into the world. This is a time for celebration and admiration of what your amazing body has gone through. The female body is beautiful in so many stages in life. If you’d like to capture this time in your life of being a mother then consider doing a Boudoir session. I’ve even done Maternity Boudoir that documents pregnancy and embracing the ever-changing body of a woman. I’ve also even had a mother bring in her little one for a special mother/daughter session (see pic above).

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8. Self love boost

Loving yourself is an act of rebellion in this society. Women have been conditioned to believe that we need to change something about ourselves to be deemed beautiful. Look at all the beauty and diet ads that make us think we need to change. We are constantly being told we are too big or too small or too this or that. This negative programming gets in the way with allowing women to accept who they are no matter what they look like. If you’re tired of hearing these harmful messages and seeing images of “perfect” women in the media, and want to feel beautiful in your own skin, than I urge you to consider a photoshoot with me. You are the star and get to decide how you want to look and feel in your images while accepting and loving yourself. After the shoot you will have beautiful images as a reminder that you are enough and it’s more than ok to love yourself even when the world tells you you shouldn’t.

Contact me to get yourself a self- love boost…

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9. Because you’re a WOMAN and women need to be celebrated as a collective

I know deep down in our souls we ALL want to be seen, heard and feel beautiful in our own skin . It all starts with ourselves. If you can accept that you are a beautiful woman with so much inner beauty then you can start to enjoy yourself and celebrate being a woman. This will undoubtedly make you 1000 times more beautiful on the outside. And when more and more women feel free to celebrate who they are then women as a collective begin to heal and thrive.


10. Because you want to.

Regardless of the excuses you are building up in your head of why you shouldn’t do a Boudoir session, I invite you to take a break from all that chatter, be easy on yourself, and think of the reasons why you deserve to do something special for yourself.

My sessions are a safe space for you to come in exhale and let those desires finally free so you can experience and celebrate yourself…for whatever reason!

Want to chat about the many reasons why YOU should experience this type of session?

Let’s schedule a Free consultation today…


If you’re not ready to book a shoot just yet, then sign up for my newsletter! You’ll get a FREE download on how to get ready for a Boudoir shoot…

Michelle Hayes